Terms and Conditions of Final Project

Terms and Conditions of Final Project in Metallurgical Engineering Study Program are described in detail as follows:

Terms and conditions of the final project seminar

  1. The seminar must be attended by at least 5 MG students.
  2. Has been approved by the supervisor.
  3. Have registered to conduct a seminar to Administration Office at least 3 days before the D-day seminar.
  4. The seminar invitations signed by the supervisor have been circulated at least 3 days before the D-day seminar.
  5. The presenter should distribute 1 page summary (abstract) of their final project that has been examined by the supervisor to all participants of the seminar.
  6. The presenter should prepare presentation equipment which includes laptop, LCD projector, and pointer.
  7. Presentation must include backgrounds, objectives and research methodologies, experiments and results, discussion, and conclusions.
  8. the presenter are well dressed with long-sleeve shirt, tie and cloth pants and have to be present at the seminar room before the seminar time begins.
  9. The presentation conducts in formal Indonesian language.
  10. The presenter should answer all questions asked by supervisors and other seminar participants.
  11. The presenter should note suggestions and inputs from supervisors and other seminar participants.
  12. The seminar conducts in 50 minutes (starting at 07:00 to 18:00) with details of time as follows:
    • Opening: 5 minutes
    • The supervisor opens and introduces the presenter (name, NIM, title of the final project and brief introduction of the research conducted when necessary)
    • Presentation of final project: 25 minutes using overhead projector
    • Question – Answer: 20 minutes
    • Questions are raised by students who attend and supervisors
    • Lecturers and other students can provide suggestions for the improvement of the Final Project
    • Closing: 2 minutes
    • The lecturer delivered important notes from the recent seminar
    • Supervisor closes the seminar


Terms and conditions of the thesis defense

  1. Students have passed all the courses outside the Final Project with a minimum of 138 credits including subjects MG 3090 Industrial Training.
  2. Students have done Final Project seminar and stated to be able to conduct thesis defense by their supervisor.
  3. Students have attended at least 10 Final Project seminar of other MG undergraduate students.
  4. Students have made a paper containing a summary of the final project to be submitted to the journal (national and international), seminars (national and international) or repository. Paper should be made in 2 column format.
  5. Students have fulfilled and submitted the administrative requirements such as filling in biodata, submitting photos, filling out the Final Project guidance form to the Administration Office.
  6. Final draft must be received by all examiners maximum 2 days before the day of the defense. If the defense is held on Monday, the final draft must be received by the examiners at Friday evening at 4:00 pm, unless the examiners give the opportunity for the draft to be delivered to their home before Saturday at 12:00.
  7. Before the defense begins, students are required to present a summary of their final project either with or without presentation slides for a maximum of 10 minutes.
  8. Students are well dressed with long sleeve shirt, tie and cloth pants.


Procedures of thesis defense

Thesis defense is conducted in 120 minutes (starting at 07:00 to 18:00) with details of time as follows:

  1. Opening: 5 minutes.
  2. The Chairman opens and introduces the candidate (name, NIM, Final Project title, GPA, the location of industrial training and his final project supervisor).
  3. The Chairman invites the supervisor to give an introduction to the final project done by the candidate.
  4. Presentation of final project summary: 10 minutes with or without overhead projector.
  5. Question – Answer: 90 minutes in 2 sessions.
  6. The first question is raised by the 2nd Examiner followed by the 3rd Examiner (chairman of the defense) and the 1st Examiner (supervisor)
  7. Questions in the first session are more focused on the subject matter of research methodology.
  8. Questions in the second session may follow the questions in the first session and general questions about the field of Metallurgical Engineering that are primarily concerned with the research topic undertaken.
  9. Closure: 15 minutes.
  10. The candidate are required to wait for the results outside the room.
  11. Examiners and counselors provide assessment. The supervisor assigns the Final Project grade. The performance and Draft of Final Project report have equal proportion in determining the final grade of the Final Project.
  12. Examiners provide suggestions related to improvement of Final Project and advice to the candidate.
  13. The examiner is entitled to provide advice on the Draft of Final Report grade and discuss the final grade together with the supervisor.
  14. The chairman announces the grade of the Final Project, submits suggestions for improving the Final Project and suggestions to the student and closing the exam.
  15. The chairman, the examiner and supervisor signs the minutes of the exam.


Provisions of the draft of final project report

  1. The number of pages (from Introduction to References) is limited to 50 pages. A large number of experimental data may be included in the appendix.
  2. The final project report template can be downloaded on the department website: metallurgy.itb.ac.id.
  3. The purpose of the research should be answered on conclusion.
  4. The methodology is neither a flow chart nor an experimental procedure, but a thorough research mindset.
  5. The library is written as a number in superscript curly brackets. In the Bibliography, the reference number is sorted according to the order in which the reference is referred to in the text.
  6. The literature number should also be written in the quoted images and tables.
  7. The reference numbers are not listed in Table of Contents, List of Figures, List of Tables and Chapters or Sections.
  8. The abbreviations used should be described in advance at first use. Example: The chemical composition analysis of the ore sample is done by X-Ray Fluoroscence (XRF) and Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). Furthermore, it can be used only abbreviation.
  9. Each images and tables must be described in a sentence before.
  10. Tables should not be cut and should be cultivated in one page.
  11. The title of the image and the table should not be separated from the image and the table.
  12. Here are the common formats of the Final Project report (can also be seen in the template).
    • Paper: HVS A4 weight 80 g / m2 (HVS 80 GSM)
    • Left, Right, Up, Down margins: 4 cm, 3 cm, 3 cm, 3 cm
    • Spacebar: 1.5
    • Title font: Times new romance, 14, Bold
    • Subtitle font 1 (example 1.1): Times new roman, 12, Bold
    • Subtitle font 2 (example 1.1.1): Times new roman, 12
    • Text font: Times new romance, 12
    • Distance between paragraphs: 2x 1.5 spaces

Files on terms and conditions of the final project can be downloaded here.