Prof. Dr. Eng. Akhmad Ardian Korda, S.T., M.T.
NIP: 197412042008011011
Head of Alloy Development and Characterization Laboratory
Head of Magister Program of Metallurgical Engineering
- Telephon : +62 22 2502239, 2508131
- Fax :+62 22 2504209
- Email :
- 2006 Doctor of Engineering in Material Science (Field of study: Reliability Engineering of Materials, Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics) – Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan. (Thesis: Effect of Pearlite Morphology on Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior in Ferrite-Pearlite Steels)
- 2001 Course on Zircon-Derived Zirconia Based on Traditional and Advanced Ceramics, IRTEC, Italy.
- 2000 Master of Engineering in Metallurgy (Field of study: Physical Metallurgy) – ITB. (Thesis: Fatigue Crack Growth Simulation and Fatigue Life Prediction of Pressurized Pipe Containing Surface Flaws in Constant Loading Amplitude).
- 1998 Engineer in Metallurgy – Metallurgical Engineering Division, Department of Mining Engineering, ITB.(Thesis: Improving the Formability of Ti-Nb Interstitial Free Steel for Automotive Application).
- Physical Metallurgy
- Metal Forming and Shaping
- Fuel, Furnaces and Refractory
- Metallurgical Failure Analysis
- Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics
- Pipeline Risk and Integrity Assessment
- Defect and Remaining Life Assessment (Fitness for Service)
- Physical Metallurgy of Steels
- Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics
- Synthesis of New Materials
- Design of Engineering Alloys
- Japan Society for Materials Science (JSMS)
- Pipeline Integrity Research (PIR) Group – ITB
- Indonesian Pipeline Engineers Community (IPEC)
- Ceramic Research Group – ITB
Regular Article:
- Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol. 468-470 (2007) 114-119,”Stress Shielding Phenomena and Fatigue Crack Growth Resistance in Ferritic-Pearlitic Steel” (Y. Mutoh, Akhmad A. Korda, Y. Miyashita and T. Sadasue)
- International Journal of Fatigue, Vol 29, Issue 6, June 2007, Pages 1140-1148,”Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior in Ferritic-Pearlitic Steels with Networked and Distributed Pearlite Structures” (Akhmad A. Korda, Y. Mutoh, Y. Miyashita and T. Sadasue)
- Scripta Materialia, Vol. 54 (2006) 1835-1840,”In situ observation of fatigue crack retardation in banded ferrite-pearlite microstructure due to crack branching” (Akhmad A. Korda, Y. Mutoh, Y. Miyashita, T. Sadasue and S.L. Mannan)
- Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol 428 (2006) 262-269,”Effect of pearlite morphology and specimen thickness on fatigue crack growth resistance in ferritic-pearlitic steels” (Akhmad A. Korda, Y. Mutoh, Y. Miyashita and T. Sadasue)
- Scripta Materialia (accepted for publications in June 2006),”Effect of pearlite band spacing on fatigue crack growth behaviour in banded ferrite-pearlite steel” (Akhmad A. Korda, Y. Mutoh, Y. Miyashita and T. Sadasue)
- Krakatau Steel-review, Vol. V No. 2 (2004),”Penggunaan Faktor Intensitas Yang Berubah Dalam Perambatan Retak dan Prediksi Umur Lelah Struktur” (Akhmad A. Korda, A. Taufik, W. Martojo)
- Jurnal Teknologi Mineral, Vol. X No. 2 (2003), “Optimization on Liquid Steel Desulfurization in the Ladle-Furnace” (Soepriyanto, Z Zulham, EA Basuki, S Purwadaria, W. Martoyo, AA Korda, P Cahyono, A Sobndi, Muchtar, M Hidayat)
- Krakatau Steel-review, 2002,”Pengaruh Die Clearance dan Efek Pelumasan Terhadap Batas Blank Holder Force dan Limiting Drawing Ratio pada Produk Penarikan Dalam Baja Lembaran” (D. Barata, S. Soepriyanto, Akhmad A. Korda)
- Krakatau Steel-review, Januari 2000,”Pengaruh Parameter Proses terhadap Peningkatan Sifat Mampu Bentuk Baja Bebas Interstisi (IF Steel) Paduan Titanium” (Akhmad A. Korda, S. Soepriyanto, W. Martojo, H. Hasyim)
- Proceedings of The 12th Symposium on Fracture and Fracture Mechanics, The Society of Materials Science, Japan, pp. 121-125. October 17-18, 2005, Hamamatsu, Japan. “In-situ SEM Observation of Constant-DK Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior in Ferritic-Pearlitic Steels with Various Pearlite Morphologies” (Akhmad A. Korda, Y. Miyashita, Y. Mutoh and T. Sadasue)
- Proceedings of The 55th The Annual Meetings of The Society of Materials Science, Japan, pp. 81-82. May 27, 2006, Nagaoka, Japan. “Effects of Pearlite Morphology on Fatigue Crack Growth Resistance in Ferritic-Pearlitic Steels” (Akhmad A. Korda, Y. Mutoh, Y. Miyashita and T. Sadasue)
- Proceedings of 42th The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers of Hokuriku-Shinetsu Branch and 34th Seminar of Graduate Student Research, pp. 5-6. March 9, 2005, Nagaoka, Japan. “In-situ SEM Observation of Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior in Ferritic-Pearlitic Steel Plates” (Akhmad A. Korda, Y. Miyashita, Y. Mutoh and T. Sadasue)
- Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan, MEC-J 2004, September 6-8, 2004, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan. “In-situ Observation of Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior of Steel Plates” (Akhmad A. Korda, Y. Miyashita, Y. Mutoh and T. Sadasue)
- Proceedings of Indonesian Pipeline Technology 2004, Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung, Indonesia, January 27-28 2004. “Teknologi Slurry Pipeline: Parameter Sistem Transport” (S. Soepriyanto, M. Umboh, Akhmad A. Korda).
- Proceeding Seminar Offshore Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Juni 2002.”Prediksi Kekuatan Sisa Pipeline Yang Terkorosi” (Akhmad A. Korda, A. Sulaiman, A. Taufik)
- Proceeding Seminar Offshore Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Juni 2002.”Peranan Mekanika Retakan Dalam Prediksi Umur Lelah Offshore Pipeline” (Akhmad A. Korda, A. Taufik)
- International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences 2006, Nov 29-30, 2006, ITB Bandung, Indonesia. “In situ SEM Observation of Fatigue Crack Growth Retardation in Structural Steels” (Akhmad A. Korda, Y. Mutoh, Y. Miyashita and T. Sadasue)
- International Symposium on Hybrid Nano Materials Toward Future Industries (HNM 2006), February 3-5, 2006, Nagaoka, Niigata, Japan. “The Role of Pearlite Morphologies in Fatigue Crack Growth Retardation” (Akhmad A. Korda, Y. Mutoh and Y. Miyashita)
- 2006 TMS Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, USA. Symposium in Honor of Art McEvily’s 80th Birthday: Fatigue and Fracture of Traditional and Advanced Materials, March 2006. “Stress Shielding Phenomena and Fatigue Crack Growth Resistance in F/P Steels with Various Pearlite Morphologies” (Y. Mutoh, Akhmad A. Korda, Y. Miyashita and T. Sadasue)
- The 12th 21st Century COE International Symposium on Creation of Hybridized Materials with Super-Functions and Formation of International Research and Education Center, June 26-28, 2006, Bandung, Indonesia. “The Role of Pearlite Morphologies in Fatigue Crack Growth Retardation” (Akhmad A. Korda, Y. Mutoh, Y. Miyashita and T. Sadasue) Award: Award for Excellent Poster Presentation
- International Conference on Processing and Manufacturing of Advanced Materials, THERMEC’ 2006. July 4-8, 2006, Vancouver, Canada. “Contribution of Pearlite Morphology to Fatigue Crack Growth Resistance in Ferritic/Pearlitic Steels” (T. Sadasue, S. Igi, Y. Mutoh and Akhmad A. Korda)
- Proc. of 3rd International Workshop on Earth Science and Technology, Fukuoka, Japan, Dec 2005, pp. 365-372. “Development of Zircon Base Industrial Product from Zircon-Sand Concentrate of Bangka Tin Processing” ( S.Soepriyanto, Akhmad A. Korda and T. Hidayat).
- Pipeline (Risk, Geo-hazard risk, Design, Construction, Maintenance and Operation), 2002-2007
- Development of Newly Structural Steel Plates with excellent resistance to fatigue crack growth for structural integrity, 2003-2006.
- Metallurgical Failure Analysis, 2000-2003
- Integrated Coal Transportation System, 2006-2007
- Research and Training Development for Tin Industry, 2002-2006.
- Tailing Transport & Deposition – Environmental Program, 2002-2003.
- Dwang-rail Analysis & Design, Bridges Coating Standard for Railways 2001-2002
- Iron and Steel Making, 2000-2001.
- Management Study of Mineral Resources, 2001-2007.
- Training in Failure Analysis, Pipeline (Design & Specification, Risk, Integrity) and Refractory, 2000-2007