Staff Akademik – Nurulhuda Halim

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Nurulhuda Halim, ST., MT

Dr. Eng. Ir. Nurulhuda Halim, ST., MT., IPM.

Nopeg: 120110004

Google Scholar ID


  • Telephone : +62 (0) 22 2502239
  • Fax :+62 (0) 22 2504209
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  1. Doctor of Engineering [2020], Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University, Japan.
    Thesis: Studies on Catalysis of Metallic Species during CO2 Gasification of Lignite Char. Supervisor: Prof. Jun-ichiro Hayashi
  2. Master of Science [2015], Mineral and Metallurgy Engineering, Graduate Program of Mining Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Indonesia.
    Thesis: Identification of Properties and Composition of Coal as A Basis for Coal Blending on Coke-making and Blended Cokes Quality Prediction by Regression Model. Supervisor: Dr. Edy Sanwani and Dr. Miftahul Huda.
  3. Bachelor of Science [2013], Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Indonesia
    Thesis: Effect of CaO, Al2O3 and Bauxite Addition on Reduction of Nickel Saprolite-Limonite Mixing Ore Using Coal as Reducing Agent at 1400oC. Supervisor: Dr.-Ing. Zulfiadi Zulhan.


  1. Awardee of General Foundation Seisankagaku Kenkyushoureikai Scholarship, 2019–2020.
  2. Awardee of The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology of Japan (MEXT) Scholarship (doctoral course), 2016 – 2019.
  3. Awardee of The Ministry of Higher Education Scholarship (master course), 2013 – 2015.
  4. Best Paper Presenter, Seminar Material Metalurgi (SMM) LIPI, 2013.
  5. Awardee of “ITB Tambang’86 Scholarship”, 2012 – 2013.
  6. Top 50 Essays for Data Print Scholarship Selection, 2011.
  7. Dean List Award (GPA ≥ 3.5), FTTM ITB, 2010 & 2012.
  8. Awardee of RK (Rumah Kepemimpinan / House of Leadership) Scholarship, 2010 – 2012.


  1. Coal Conversion (Pyrolysis, Carbonization, Gasification, Liquefaction, and Combustion)
  2. Carbon for Materials (Activated Carbon, Graphite) and Chemicals
  3. Mineral Processing and Beneficiation of Industrial Minerals
  4. Experimental Design and Statistical Analysis
  5. Energy and Reactor Engineering


  1. Association of Indonesian Mining Professionals (PERHAPI)
  2. Badan Kejuruan Teknik Metalurgi PII (The Institutions of Engineers Indonesia)
  3. Asosiasi Metalurgi dan Material Indonesia (AMMI)


  1. Nurulhuda Halim, Akira Tajima, Shusaku Asano, Shinji Kudo, Jun-ichiro Hayashi. “Change in Catalytic Activity of Potassium during CO2 Gasification of Char”. Energy & Fuels, 34, 1, 225-234, 2020. (
  2. Nurulhuda Halim, UPM Ashik, Xiangpeng Gao, Shinji Kudo, Edy Sanwani, Koyo Norinaga, Jun-ichiro Hayashi. “Quantitative Description of Catalysis of Inherent Metallic Species in Lignite Char during CO2 Gasification”. Energy & Fuels, 33, 7, 5996-6007, 2019. (


  1. Nurulhuda Halim, Zayda Zahara, Edy Sanwani, Ismi Handayani, Shinji Kudo, Jun-ichiro Hayashi. “Effects of Temperature on Kinetics and Mechanism of CO2 Gasification of Char from Indonesian Lignite”. Proceeding of the 3rd International Exchange and Innovation Conference on Engineering & Sciences, pp. 21–24, October 19-20, 2017, Fukuoka, Japan.
  2. Halim, N., Sanwani, E., Model Prediksi Kualitas Kokas Hasil Blending Untuk Mengoptimalkan Penggunaan Batubara Lokal, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Besi Baja (SNBB) IV 2016, Program Studi Teknik Metalurgi ITB, Bandung, 27-28 April 2016
  3. Halim, N., Zulhan, Z., Pemanfaatan CaO, Al2O3 dan Bauksit sebagai Bahan Imbuh Reduksi Campuran Bijih Nikel Saprolit – Limonit pada Kondisi Semifused (1400 oC) untuk memproduksi Feronikel, Prosiding Seminar Material Metalurgi 2013, LIPI, Serpong, 27 November 2013.


  1. Revision of Feasibility Study of East Halmahera Ferronickel (P3FH) Project (27,000 Nickel tpy), PT ANTAM (Persero) Tbk, 2016.
  2. Kajian Kelayakan Kelangsungan Kerja Sama Operasi (KSO) pada Izin Usaha Pertambangan (IUP) PT Awang Sejahtera, Kalimantan Tengah, 2016.
  3. Identification of Fine Coal Generation and Reducing Fine During Coal Handling Process, PT Borneo Indobara, South Kalimantan, 2016.
  4. Feasibility Study of East Halmahera Ferronickel (P3FH) Project (13,500 Nickel tpy), PT ANTAM (Persero) Tbk, 2015.
  5. Study of Coal Washing Characteristic, PT Sebuku Tanjung Coal, East Kalimantan, 2015.
  6. Energy Supply Study for The New NPI Plant at Pomalaa, PT ANTAM (Persero) Tbk, 2014.
  7. Synchronization of Management Contract and KPI Development, PERTAMINA, 2014.
  8. Kebijakan Industri Nasional (KIN) 2015-2019, Kelompok Kerja Industri Logam Dasar dan Bahan Galian Bukan Logam, Kementrian Perindustrian, 2014.
  9. Rencana Induk Pembangunan Industri Nasional (RIPIN) 2015-2035, Kelompok Kerja Industri Logam Dasar dan Bahan Galian Bukan Logam, Kementrian Perindustrian, 2014.
  10. Material Selection and Corrosion Protection – Gas Development Project for the Unitization of Jambaran – Tiung Biru Field, PERTAMINA EP CEPU, 2014.
  11. Roadmap of Iron and Steel Industrial Development Based on Local Resources, Ministry of Industry, 2013.
  12. Techno-Economic Study of Processing and Refining Plant Development on Five Commodities of Minerals in Indonesia (Fe, Al, Cu, Ni, Pb-Zn), Indonesian Mining Association, 2014.


  1. Main Judge, Problem Solving Competition, Indonesia Chemical Engineering Challenge, Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Kimia (HIMATEK) ITB, 2015.
  2. Main Judge, Crushing & Grinding Race, Mine Fest, Himpunan Mahasiswa Tambang (HMT) ITB, 2015.
  3. Speaker, Applied Mineralogy for Process Design, Pekan Workshop Pertambangan, Working Group PERHAPI, 2014

Version: April 2020